
Posts uit september, 2019 tonen

World of Warships:The Grind

World of Warships is a demanding game – in more ways than one. For the purpose of today’s discussion, I will focus on the time demands that the game has on players and what that all entails. by SnipeySnipes INTRODUCTION There are a multitude of reasons why this game is so demanding on players time. While no one  makes  anyone play this game, the incentives certainly draw many of us in like moths to a lantern. These, of course, include ‘freebies’ like doubloons, coal, ships, containers, captains, etc. Camaraderie, like what one can find in a good clan as well as certain accolades across several platforms both sponsored directly by Wargaming and World of Warships as well as other sites such as those focus on stats. While most, if not all of this doesn’t have to cost you a penny, it will cost you hours upon hours of time to achieve. This is a ‘grindy’ game after all. THE GRIND To dive more into what players grind for, I’ll start with the basic premise of the game – going up the tech trees

Dive, Dive, Dive!

In what was once said to never be introduced into World of Warships is now seeming to become an inevitability – the arrival of submarines. To some, this comes as no surprise and is welcomed, while others are disappointed in the fact that this is setting a bad precedent in terms of future changes to the game. Whatever your opinion on the matter, the success of last years Halloween game mode gave Wargaming all the info they needed to go forward – subs can be fun and just  maybe  balanced. So to get to the meat of the matter, here’s what we know. TESTING PHASES First off, we know they’re coming. The current plan per the Dev Blog post outlines their plan as follows: Closed Testing, Open testing on a separate server, live server testing in separate game mode and finally, be introduced as a new class available to play in other game modes (implied) 1 . The testing progression here appears to be a result of lessons learned from what both worked and failed with the CV rework tests back before 0

Ma Ma Ma Ma MY MOGAMI!!!

A little outing with my Mogami in a match that goes down to the last second and last point!!! Mogami!!!!